2018 Conference Materials

Kia ora colleagues, sponsors, exhibitors and conference attendees,

On behalf of the 2018 Organising Committee and NZPF Executive, I would like to thank you all for your attendance at the 2018 NZPF Conference in Wellington and for helping us to make it the fantastic event it was. We hope you found it stimulating and enjoyable.

The feedback, both formal and informal, has been outstandingly positive and we appreciate those who have taken the time to contact us directly or respond to the evaluation.

Video footage of the keynote presentations delivered at the 2018 are reproduced with permission of the speakers concerned, and we thank them for their generosity in allowing us to share these links.

The next annual conference is scheduled to be held in Auckland from 2-5 July 2019

Early bird registrations will close at the end of Term 1 2019. Details are now available on this website.

We look forward to seeing you in Auckland!

Nga mihi nui

Jill Corkin

NZPF Conference Convenor


Note: Videos and slides are only available from those speakers who agreed to share their information.   

PowerPoint Slides

Creative revolution goes to school: The Maker Movement - Sylvia Martinez

What does it mean to be a change leader - Tony Wagner



Whetu Cormick, NZPF President's Opening Addresswatch video on YouTube


Kaila Colbin, Riding the exponential wave of changewatch video on YouTube


Sylvia Martinez, Creative Revolution Goes to School: The Maker Movementwatch video on YouTube


Joanne McEachen, Measuring Human Return: How the Measurement of Deep Learning Drives Students and the Worldwatch video on YouTube


Professor Peter O'Connor, The Arts: Reminding us we are humanwatch video on YouTube


Dr Tony Wagner, Creating Innovators (Thursday keynote)watch video on YouTube


Dr Tony Wagner, What does it mean to be a change leader (Friday keynote)watch video on YouTube

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