Thank you for attending the 2021 NZPF Conference in Rotorua. The following are the presentation slides or presenter notes that we have permission to share:
Plenary Presentations
Our Schooling Futures: Stronger Together. Whiria Ngā Kura Tūātinitini, Bali Haque
A Peek at PASL, Fiona McMillan, Anderson Lloyd
Breakout Sessions
Māori Achievement Collaborative - Te Arahou o Aotearoa - Māori Achieving Educational and Cultural Success as Māori, Brenda McPherson, Kim Nikora
Restoring confidence in mathematics education in New Zealand, Audrey Tan
Professional Growth Cycle for Principals, Chris Thornley, Myles Ferris
Small Schools Bigger Complexity - Navigating conflicts of Interest within and beyond the school gate, Paul Drummond